The Sikh Community Centre’s prime aim is to provide social, multicultural, sporting, educational and recreational services, which will help to enhance the skills and self esteem of its members in a safe and engaging environment.
The Sikh Community Centre provides educational and social inclusion programmes for those who are vulnerable within our community, for example, the young people, who feel that they do not have access to employment, higher education or training opportunities. We provide facilities for the elderly and those who are unable to communicate in the English language and especially with learning disabilities.
Services offered:
- Roseberry Playgroup (Pre School)
- EPAG (East Park Activity Group)
- ESOL Classes
- Trinjan Ladies Group
- Ladies Keep Fit Classes
- Passport, Visa & Immigration Services
- Benefit Advice & Applications
- Hospital, GP forms & Appointments
- School Admission Applications
- CV Writing
- Letters reading & Typing Services

A warm, friendly and stimulating environment catering for children from age of 2 years onwards. > More details
Assist adults with learning difficulties to participate fully within the community and overcome social isolation.> More details
Tiranjan Ladies Group to share your skills like reading, discussion, knitting, embroidery etc. > More details
Sikh Community Centre Consultation Questionnaire
Sikh Community Centre would like your views on services we provide. This questionnaire will help Sikh Community Centre Management Committee to understand how centre is making a difference to the community and where we can make improvements. Your input is vital in helping shape the direction we take. The questionnaire should only take few minutes to complete and it can be kept anonymous. We will use this information to shape our services to meet the needs of community.
>> Download Questionnaire
Come and visit the Sikh Community Centre today.
Address: 2nd Floor, 106 East Park Road, Leicester, LE5 4QB
Tel: 0116 276 9297